When I came across Diana Willard's work on Instagram I immediately appreciated her fauvist landscapes & distinct vision. The clarity of color cannot be denied! You should check out Diana's website which has a load of beautiful images, her sweet honest blog & her painterly etsy shop for more visual delights. Below she answers the #paletteproject questions. Enjoy 1. What color do you wish wasn't there?
Greens are usually the hardest for me to work with, but I am not feeling that lemony yellow color! 2. What is your favorite brush? I'm pretty hard on my brushes, so I tend to just purchase cheap ones (often the Blick scholastic series) and not worry about destroying them. 3. What is your favorite paper/surface to paint on? I've always liked painting on canvas, but I've recently been really enjoying painting on paper for my new series. There's something about paper that frees me up to try more experimental colors and techniques! 4. What is your favorite color to work with? I love oranges and turquoises!
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