If I was the type of person to believe in such things I would certainly believe that faires lived under this mushroom. We have had a prodigious bloom of mushrooms, in the area, in recent weeks. Last week I rode my bike past a lawn & saw where the huge satellite dish designers got their idea from. It was amazing! The mushrooms even tilted at an angle that perfectly mimicked in my minds eye how the satellite fields in the movie Contact look. I am ever more convinced that I cannot paint, print, or design anything that I have not already seen in some iteration. This does not mean that I should stop painting, printing & drawing, but increase my awareness of what I take in & chose my influences carefully. Happy Monday Y'all!
Today, in South Carolina, we have a special congressional run-off election. Mark Sanford & Elizabeth Colbert Busch are the candidates. All of the polls are predicting a down to the wire race, a race in which every vote really & truly will be crucial in determining the outcome. So please go to your local polling station today and VOTE! Please take a minute and vote for Rules for Healthy Living in The UNshow.
http://app.wizehive.com/voting/view/theunshow/4663/1128519 Why do I pander for your votes? Because design competitions are an indicator of the broader world. It's the whole big fish/small pond concept. Or the artist working in isolation concept. Take your pick. You have to put your stuff out there and ask, "Am I pushing myself hard enough?" Where should I specifically work on improving?" I don't strive to be "on trend." I strive to produce work that is relevant. My specific goal with this competition is to make the top 25 because that ensures that the completely rockstar judges will see my work. Of course I would like to win, but getting the judges to see my work is the primary goal. So if you think Rules for Healthy Living is a good poster please follow the link above and VOTE! I based this print on the stained glass window at St. Matthias Church, in Summerton, S.C. It clearly illustrates the relationships in The Trinity. Drawing Water from David Wicks on Vimeo. Work in progress video of Drawing Water, a visualization/simulation of the tensions between water usage and natural water availability. This video looks at Los Angeles and the Desert Southwest. To Whom It May Concern:
I want to work with you. Not for you, but with you. I am a hard worker, but want to find a balance in my life and not just be your slaving maniac. I am smarter that I can make you understand, especially in a one page form dominated letter. I am radically loyal. You would be fortunate to have me on your team. I am kind and like making things fun. I am good with kids, very nurturing. I do much better in interviews than on paper. I am diplomatic when the situation calls for it, but am working at being a straight-shooter which seems to have better results. You should try it. I tend to give unsolicited advice, but it is helpful. My skills in many arenas mean that whatever you are doing I probably have some experience in it and if not there is a youtube video out there with an answer. Thank you for your kind consideration. Sincerely, Julia Hendrickson PS And if you are one of the companies or schools to which I have already submitted my cover letter, please take this note as the fun it was meant to be and not some slap in the face. PPS If you have read this far you should hire me. Instead of this I write predictable standard-ish form letters that so far have produced no offers of employment. Maybe I should include the paragraph above to at least advance my work in the arena of straight-shooting... |